Alzheimers Thoughts – Causes

Vitamin D linked to lowered autism risk in large study

Vitamin D linked to lowered autism risk in large study

Alzheimers is a first world disease (primarily).
See website alzheimers rankings by country here:

Alzheimers is increasing, trending up in 1970’s.

Interestingly look at this autism rates chart.

Alzheimers fact sheet:

FAQ’s: Plaques and tangles found in alzheimers brain, onsets 15-20yrs before symptoms. Medallan Colombia heretary strain (hits at age mid 40’s) was traced back one spanish conquistador.[]

High fat – from animal protein potential factor. There is a strong positive relationship between the level of income and the consumption of animal protein. The ratio of dietary fat from animal sources to total fat is a key indicator, since foods from animal sources are high in saturated fat. Data sets used to calculate country-specific FERs can also be used to calculate proportions of animal fat in total fat. Such analysis indicated that the proportion of animal fat in total fat was lower than 10% in some countries (Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, and Sierra Leone), while it is above 75% in some other countries (Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Mongolia, Poland and Uruguay). These findings are not strictly divided along economic lines, as not all of the countries in the high range represent the most affluent countries. Country-specific food availability and cultural dietary preferences and norms to some extent determine these patterns.

Western Diet Linked to Greater Risk for Alzheimer’s By Traci Pedersen – “They found that when many people in Japan left behind the traditional diet to start consuming a more Westernized diet, Alzheimer’s disease rates rose from one percent in 1985 to seven percent in 2008.Overall, the findings show that consumption of meat or animal products (excluding milk) had the highest correlations with Alzheimer’s disease prevalence.”


Other food faqs: As prosperity increased in the 1950s, so did the supply of frozen foods,with peas and fish fingers among the first available. Freeze-drying appeared in food preparation in the 1960s.

“The austerity of the post-war years gave way to the social and economic changes which commenced in the late 1960s.The dominance of the consumer was emerging, and the food processors spurred on by the expanding supermarket chains, were driven to address the life-style and convenience demands of these consumers. The chronic conditions of
heart disease, cancers and diabetes emerged as the major causes of morbidity and mortality. Nutritional and epidemiological research implicated diet as a major factor in the aetiology of these diseases, and a number of foodstuffs and diet components were suggested as causative. These included over-consumption of fat, in particular
saturated fat, over-consumption of refined carbohydrate, and underconsumption of dietary fibre44″”*7 “(

DDT?- (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, bug spray)
Scientists have already found a strong potential link between pesticides and Parkinson’s disease, may also contribute to Alzheimer’s.DDT is the best-known of several chlorine-containing pesticides used in the 1940s and 1950s. DDT continued to be produced in the United States for foreign markets until 1985, when over 300 tons were exported.

———–FINAL THOUGHTS——————————–
** DDTs? – Alzheimers began taking off around the 1970’s, this is 15-20/years after DDT/bug sprays introduced (1940’s-50’s) to food crops and lifestock that eats those crops, and processed food became readily available in the 1960s.

** Animal Meat? – Finland is ranks #1 in alzhheimers and they are also heavy meat eaters. The high income countries are typically also high in meat eating and show the highest rate of alzheimers. African nations, russia, etc. show some of the lowest rates of alzeimers (low income=low meat).

*** Autism has a similar chart starting in 1970’s, increasing at similar trend, hmm..

@ BIOGEN has some new drugs to slow the progression of alzheimers patients: []
alzheimers Chart




Author: cseppanen
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