Micromort, microlives

  • Micromort – Acute risks, such as riding a motorbike or going skydiving, may result in an accident – a natural unit for comparing such risks is the Micromort, which is a 1-in-a-million chance of sudden death, for some defined activity.
  • Microlives – However many risks we take don’t kill you straight away: think of all the lifestyle frailties we get warned about, such as smoking, drinking, eating badly, not exercising and so on. A microlife is 30 minutes of your life expectancy; based on starting at 35 years of age we have about 500,000 hours left.
 Activity #Micromorts/day/event
-How to calculate- i.e. 5 = (1  in 200,000)
6-miles-motorbike (48 miles equals one skydive) 1 (1 in a million)
 17-miles-walking 1
10-miles-bicycle 1
230-miles-car 1
6000-miles-train 1
12000-miles-comm-jet 1
All-Cause-day 24
Scuba-diving-certified 5
Skiing .7
Skydiving 8
Running marathon 7
Base jump 430
Mountaineering 2840
Mountaineering-Everest 37932 (1 in 26)
Hang-gliding 8
Giving birth 120
Lightning Strike-USA 3.5/yr (1 in 280,000)


 Dangerous Occupation Odds of death per year
Lumberjacking 137 in 100,000
Commercial Fisherman 99 in 100,000
Aircraft pilots 48 in 100,000
Roofers 45 in 100,000
Police Officer 14 in 100,000

Microlives (30 minutes) gained/lost, based on estimated life expectancy effects of long term lifestyle and demographic risk factors, for men and women aged 35 years.[1]
Risk factor Men Women
Smoking 15–24 cigarettes (die 10 yrs earlier than non-smokers avg) −10 −9
Alcohol intake
First drink (of 10 g alcohol) 1 1
Each subsequent drink (up to 6) −½ −1
Per 5 units above body mass index of 22.5 each day −3 −3
Per 5 kg above optimum weight for average height each day −1 −1
Sedentary behaviour
2 hours watching television −1 −1
Red meat, 1 portion (85 g, 3 oz) −1 −1
Fruit and vegetable intake, =5 servings (blood vitamin C >50 nmol/L) 4 3
Coffee intake
2-3 cups 1 1
Physical activity
First 20 minutes of moderate exercise 2 2
Subsequent 40 minutes of moderate exercise 1 ½
Taking a statin 1 1
Air pollution
Per day living in Mexico City v London −½ −½
Per day being a resident of Russia v Sweden −21 −9
Calerie Restriction
15% CR (adds appx 5 years to lifespan) 5 5
Author: cseppanen
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